BYD is a pioneer and global leader in battery energy storage systems, specializing in research and development. Using lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) technology, BYD has successfully provided safe and reliable energy storage solutions for hundreds of utility, commercial, industrial and residential projects in urban areas around the world.
BYD's residential energy storage system, with high security, power, convenience and flexibility, enables self-sufficiency in renewable energy and improves the ecological environment, offering backup and off-grid applications for worry-free quality living.
Experience in LFP batteries since 2002 with more than 1 million systems in more than 100 countries.
BatteryBox meets the highest safety standards, including VDE 2510-50 (HVS/HVM/LVS), and is widely recognized with various awards and seals. In an independent energy storage inspection carried out by the HTW Berlin university, BatteryBox was ranked as the most efficient battery on the market.
BYD's commercial and industrial (C&I) energy storage system guarantees electricity consumption and production management, serving as a backup during outages and reducing electricity bills through price arbitrage and participation in local demand response.
Extremely secure, highly integrated, convenient, flexible and economical.
The world's first BESS using the highly integrated Blade battery with ultra-high energy density.
The world's first BESS to use the Blade battery, highly integrated with ultra-high energy density and flexible configuration.
Standard 20-foot container design, fully compatible with diversification PCS and minimizes maintenance space.