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Solar energy generation

Solar energy has become one of the main alternatives for those looking for cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. After all, what does solar energy generation?

Despite its growth, there are still many doubts about how it worksespecially with regard to its generation. 

How do homes, businesses and even large industries turn sunlight into electricity? In this article, we'll explore these questions and help you understand everything about the subject. Have a good read!

What does it mean to generate solar energy?

A solar energy generation is the process of converting sunlight into usable energy, usually in the form of electricity or heat. 

The possibility of decentralization is one of the main advantages of solar energy.

In a house, for example, the installation of photovoltaic modules on the roof makes it possible to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity.

This electricity can be used to power appliances in the home, reduce dependence on the conventional electricity grid and, in some cases, even generate credits with the energy concessionaire.

Companies can also benefit from solar energy generation to reduce operating costs and adopt more sustainable practices. 

Large solar plants, located in strategic regions with high solar incidence, produce energy on a large scale and distribute it to the national electricity system.

However, democratizing access to electricity, reducing dependence on the existing electricity matrix and diversifying the energy matrix are benefits that go beyond decentralization, encompassing the potential of solar energy as a whole.

The role of solar power plants in the energy matrix


Solar power plants play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable energy matrix. 

With vast areas covered in photovoltaic panels, these installations capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, which is injected directly into the grid. 

This ability to generate energy on a large scale makes solar plants essential for meeting the growing demand for energy, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.

In Brazil, projects such as Pirapora Solar Complexin Minas Gerais, and the São Gonçalo Solar Complex, in Piauí, demonstrate the country's potential to stand out in the world of solar energy. solar energy generation

These plants take advantage of the abundant solar radiation present in parts of the country, providing clean energy for thousands of homes and businesses, as well as strengthening the diversification of Brazil's energy matrix.

Companies active in the development of solar power plant technologies, such as BYDThese companies are directly contributing to the expansion of this model in Brazil and around the world. With solutions focused on renewable energy, these companies participate in projects that help harness the country's solar potential, combining efficiency and innovation to meet energy demands in a sustainable way.

How does distributed solar energy generation work?

Distributed solar energy generation is a model in which consumers themselves produce the energy they consume, usually through photovoltaic systems installed in their homes, businesses or farms. 

Unlike solar farms, which supply energy on a large scale to the national electricity system, distributed generation operates on a smaller scale and locally, connected to the electricity grid of the distributor that serves the consumer.

The photovoltaic system captures sunlight through photovoltaic modules (or solar panels) and converts it into direct current electricity. This current is then converted into alternating current, compatible with electrical appliances, by means of a solar inverter and directed to immediate consumption. If there is surplus energy generated, it can be injected into the electricity grid, in the case of an on-grid system. 

The on-grid system, as mentioned above, allows the surplus energy generated to be injected into the electricity grid, generating credits that can be used to reduce energy consumption during periods of lower generation, such as at night or on cloudy days.

Distributed generation brings significant benefits, such as lower electricity bills, since consumers can produce some or most of the energy they use, and sustainability, by using a clean and renewable source. 

In addition, it promotes greater energy security, protecting against tariff fluctuations and power supply interruptions, and increases the value of the property, making it more attractive on the market.

Steps in the solar energy generation process


Generating solar energy involves a well-structured process divided into three main stages, from capturing the light to distributing the energy generated.

Photovoltaic modules capture sunlight

The first stage is the capture of sunlight by photovoltaic modules, also known as solar panels. 

These modules are made up of photovoltaic cells, usually made of silicon, a semiconductor material. 

When sunlight falls on these cells, the photons in the light excite the electrons in the semiconductor material, generating a direct electric current (DC). 

The amount of energy generated at this stage depends on a few crucial factors, such as the intensity of the sunlight, the geographical location and the orientation and inclination of the solar panels.

Converting solar energy into alternating current

The energy generated by photovoltaic modules is direct current (DC), but most electrical appliances and the distribution network use alternating current (AC). 

This is why a solar inverter to convert the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into usable alternating current (AC). 

The solar inverter also has the function of monitoring the efficiency of the photovoltaic system and ensuring that the energy generated is adequate for consumption, protecting the system from possible failures.

Sending energy to the place of consumption or power grid

Once the electric current has been converted by the inverter, the energy is ready for use. It is then sent to the place of consumption, such as a home or business. 

geração de energia solar

If the generation of solar energy exceeds immediate consumption, the surplus is sent to the electricity grid (in the case of an on-grid system), where it can be offset against energy credits, reducing the amount of the electricity bill. 

In off-grid systems, which are not connected to the electricity grid, the energy generated is stored in batteries for later use, guaranteeing an energy supply even during periods without sun, such as at night or on cloudy days.

These three stages - capture, conversion and distribution - form the basic cycle of solar energy generation, allowing sunlight to be efficiently and sustainably transformed into electricity.

BYD: clean and sustainable energy generation

Solar energy generation has become one of the most effective solutions for a more sustainable and cleaner future. 

In Brazil, we are experiencing significant progress in this sector, and we at BYD are very proud to contribute to this transformation. 

Our solar energy solutions are helping to make electricity production more efficient, affordable and, most importantly, renewable. 

With the growing adoption of solar energy in the country, we believe we are on the right track to reduce dependence on non-renewable sources and promote a more sustainable future for all.

If you want to know more about how solar energy can make a difference to your life, we invite you to get to know our solutions. Together, we can build a greener, more efficient tomorrow.

Talk to BYD!

