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Sustainability and Innovation: BYD factories in Campinas reduce environmental impact

Greentech promotes internal and external initiatives to ensure the sustainability of its operations

BYD Brasil's factories in Campinas (SP) - the photovoltaic module factory, the bus chassis factory and the Solar Kit factory - have consolidated their position as a benchmark in environmental management and in the industrial sector. Article XXIX of Decision No. 083/24 of the São Paulo State Environmental Company (CETESB) stipulates that companies emitting more than 20,000 tons/year of CO2 equivalent must submit a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory to CETESB. When carrying out its GHG emissions inventory, BYD identified that it had only reached 10% of this amount. The result was achieved thanks to the company's internal operations and logistics supply chain.

BYD has invested in the environmental management of its plants. For example, at the solar kit factory in Campinas (SP), it replaced sodium vapor lamps with LEDs, which reduced energy consumption by 70%. Water management is another priority: the company has expanded its Effluent Treatment Plant in the last two years. It also has a rainwater reuse system on its premises. A catchment system installed in the factory buildings in Campinas/SP collects rainwater, which is then directed to a reservoir with the capacity to store up to 500m³. This water is then used to supply the fire-fighting system and the outdoor patio taps, significantly reducing the demand for drinking water.

With regard to waste generated in operations, by 2024 BYD will no longer be sending waste to landfill, with 100% of the waste going to more sustainable treatment techniques.

BYD has 58 forklifts in operation at its Energy, Auto, After Sales, Kit Solar, Consórcio Skyrail and Camaçari units. Each year, this equipment prevents the emission of 1,564 tons of CO2, the equivalent of planting 15,739 trees. In addition, the company has a fleet of electric cars to meet internal demands, which means fewer pollutants are emitted every day.

"We go beyond compliance with environmental regulations, maintaining a policy of transparency in all our processes. The emissions inventory is rigorous and essential for us to monitor and exceed our targets," says Marcos Rocha, EHS and Quality Manager at BYD Brasil.

A signatory of the UN Global Compact, BYD is expanding its initiatives in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), directing more than R$ 65 million towards Research and Development (R&D) in Brazil for photovoltaic technologies. "We want to expand access to solar energy and consolidate BYD's presence as a benchmark in the sector. We have already produced more than 2.5 million solar modules, used in a variety of contexts, from residential installations to large clean energy plants," says Rocha.

BYD's environmental contribution is significant globally: by November 2024, the company's products had prevented the emission of 75.7 tons of CO₂, the equivalent of planting more than 1.2 billion trees. This result highlights the company's ongoing strategy to mitigate climate change

"The advanced technology of BYD products, present in almost all electronic segments, strengthens our role in the transition to a more sustainable future, both in Brazil and on the global stage," concludes Rocha.
