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Saving with solar energy: find out how much you save

In addition to generating its own electricity from sunlight and reducing dependence on the electricity grid, installing solar panels also greatly reduces monthly electricity costs.

But how much can you really save using solar energy? In some cases, according to ANEEL, energy bill savings can reach up to 95%. Let's take a closer look at how these savings come about and what you can expect from adopting this technology.

Benefits of solar energy

The main reason many people opt for solar energy is the savings it brings. In addition to cutting electricity bill costs, this system offers a number of other advantages which we'll explore next. But first, let's get a better understanding of how the economy really works.

Reduced energy costs

With solar panels, you start producing your own electricity, which reduces or even eliminates the need to buy energy from the public grid.

In an ordinary household, for example, where the electricity bill is around R$ 500 per month, installing a solar system can reduce this figure to around R$ 25, depending on consumption, the capacity of the installed system and the local utility's rates. This type of saving is even more significant in companies or industries, where energy consumption is higher.

In terms of return on investment, the initial amount spent on installing the solar panels usually pays for itself in around 4 to 7 years. After this period, the energy generated is practically free and the system can last more than 25 years. 

In other words, over time, the accumulated savings can be very significant, making solar energy an investment that not only pays for itself, but that also brings long-term financial returns.

Energy independence

By generating your own electricity, you significantly reduce your dependence on utilities and this has many benefits. Imagine no more worrying about sudden tariff increases or outages in the energy supply. 

With a solar panel system, you have greater control over your energy consumptionIt can be better adapted to your specific needs. What's more, in places where the electricity grid is unstable or non-existent, solar energy is a viable option to guarantee a continuous supply.

Another advantage of energy independence is the possibility of storing excess energy generated during the day in batteriesThese can be used at night or during periods of low solar generation.

This not only increases the autonomy of your system, but also brings a additional security in case of emergencies or natural disasterswhere the power grid could be compromised.

Property valuation

Investing in solar energy also has the benefit of increase the value of your property. Properties with installed solar energy systems are seen as more modern and sustainable, which can attract buyers and tenants. 

Studies indicate that houses with solar systems can be sold up to 20% faster and for a lower price. value up to 10% higher than properties without this technology.

Furthermore, in a market that is increasingly aware of the benefits of sustainability, having a solar system can be an important differentiator. In some cases, the increase in property value may even exceed the cost of installing the panelsThis makes solar energy a worthwhile investment in both the short and long term.

Calculating savings from solar energy

Understanding the savings provided by solar energy involves considering some crucial factors, such as the geographical location, the size of the system and the orientation of the panels. Regions with higher solar incidence, larger systems and a good orientation of the panels generate more energy and, obviously, greater savings.

Let's take a practical example: a household with an electricity bill of R$ 600 installs a solar system that covers 90% of consumption. As a result, the bill drops to R$ 60, generating monthly savings of R$ 540, or R$ 6,480 per year. 

If the installation cost was R$ 30,000, return on investment is around 4.6 years. After this period, the system continues to generate savings for many years, as its useful life can exceed 25 years.

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How to increase savings with solar energy

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To ensure that the solar energy system continues to generate maximum savings, it is essential to carry out regular maintenance and monitoring. A well-maintained system not only operates more efficiently, but also has a longer service life, which increases the financial benefits over time.

Keeping panels clean is one of the simplest and most effective actions. Dust, leaves and other dirt can reduce the efficiency of panelsThis reduces the amount of energy generated. Cleaning should be carried out periodically, paying particular attention to areas with a lot of pollution or dust.

Another important tip is to monitor the system. Regularly monitor energy production using a monitoring system, which is usually offered by suppliers. This allows any drop in efficiency to be detected quickly and acted upon before it significantly affects the economy

In addition, ensuring that the panels are well positioned and tilted correctly is key. If you notice that efficiency has dropped, you may need to adjust the tilt or check that there are no new shadows interferingThe trees that have grown since the installation.

You can change the world!

Finally, consider reviewing your energy consumption. Small changes in daily habits, such as using appliances at times of peak solar production (during the day), can further optimize savings

Maintaining a conscientious use of energy, combined with the proper functioning of the solar system, maximizes the return on investment and ensures that you make the most of the savings potential offered by solar energy.
At BYD, our mission is to transform the world by changing our dependence on non-renewable energies to clean and sustainable sources. Our photovoltaic energy solutions serve a variety of segments: residential, commercial, industrial and much more. When you think of solar energy, BYD part. Access our blog for more tips and information.
