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Como transferir energia solar para outra residência (capa)

How do I transfer solar energy to another home?

With the increase in the adoption of photovoltaic systems, a common question among homeowners is whether it is possible to transfer solar energy to another home

Often, solar energy installations produce more energy than is needed for a single home, resulting in a leftovers that could be used efficiently on another property

In this article, we will understand how this transfer can be madeWhat are the options available and the main factors to consider?

Is it possible to transfer solar energy to another house?

Yes, it is possible to transfer or split the solar energy generated at one address for use at another. This process usually involves the use of energy credits generated by a solar system in one home to offset energy consumption in a second home. 

However, the details of this process will vary greatly depending on local regulations and the type of solar energy system installed. In some cases, it may be necessary to adapt the installation and follow specific procedures to ensure that the transfer is carried out effectively and in accordance with established standards.

Types of solar energy transfer

There are two main ways of transferring the solar energy generated from one property to another: direct sharing and energy credits. Each method has its own characteristics and may be more suitable depending on the situation.

Direct sharing

Direct sharing allows the energy generated by a solar system on a property to be is used in other nearby properties. To implement direct sharing, a group of people can come together to form a cooperative, consortium or other form of association. 

This group invests in a centralized solar system, which can be installed on a common roof, plot of land or other suitable location. The energy generated by the system is injected into the electricity grid and converted into energy credits. 

These credits are distributed among the members of the group based on their participation in the investment. Each member use your credits to reduce electricity consumption in your own home.

Energy credits

The energy credits modality allows the energy generated by a solar system installed in a unit to be used for reduce energy consumption in other units belonging to the same owner. 

For example, if you install a solar system on your home, the energy generated is transformed into energy credits, which are injected into the electricity grid. These credits can then be used to reduce the electricity bill of other properties, such as a second home, a company or a business. any other location that is also in the same concession area as the distributor and under the same CPF or CNPJ.

This method is ideal for those who own several properties or want to maximize the use of solar energy generated on a specific site. The energy generated is converted into credits that can be used to offset energy consumption in different locations, making it easier to manage electricity costs and make better use of solar production.

Why consider sharing the solar energy generated?

Como transferir energia solar para outra residência (1)

Sharing the solar energy generated is a smart strategy for those who want to maximizing the use of a solar system on different properties or share with people who don't have their own premises.

If you're still in doubt about whether or not to consider a transfer, here are the main reasons to consider it:

  • Maximize system efficiency: when a solar system produces more energy than the home can use, the surplus energy can be used by other properties. This ensures that energy production is used to the maximum, reducing waste and increasing the overall efficiency of the system.
  • Reduce costs: transferring energy to another house can help reduce electricity costs in several properties. If you own several homes or want to help family or friends, this division can result in significant savings for everyone involved by making better use of solar energy production.
  • Supporting those who have no facilities: For people who don't have the possibility of installing a solar system, receiving energy from an existing installation can be a great advantage. This allows them to benefit from renewable energy and reduce their electricity bills, even without having a system of their own.
  • Contributing to sustainability: sharing solar energy also contributes to a more sustainable use of energy resources. By maximizing the use of the solar energy generated and reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources, you help promote a more ecological and sustainable practice.

Technical assessment of the existing solar system

Before transferring solar energy to another home, it is essential to evaluate the existing solar system to ensure that it can support the additional demand. First, check that the system's generating capacity is sufficient to meet the needs of both houses. 

This includes analyze the power of the solar panels and the amount of energy they produce on a daily basis. Also, evaluate the efficiency of the system to ensure that it converts sunlight into electricity effectively. If necessary, make adjustments or improvements to optimize efficiency. 

It is also important to consider the technical requirements for sharing energy, such as possible modifications to the electrical system and the installation of additional equipment for monitoring and control.

Whether the system has storage batteries, check their capacity to ensure they can accommodate surplus energy. A thorough assessment ensures that the current solar system can support the power split without compromising its performance.

Technical and regulatory requirements for sharing solar energy

Como transferir energia solar para outra residência (2)

In order to share solar energy between different households, it is necessary to meet certain technical and regulatory requirementsThese vary according to the type of transfer: direct sharing or energy credits.

AspectDirect sharingEnergy credits
Mains connectionThe energy generated must be injected into the electricity grid and distributed among the properties.The leftover energy is injected into the grid and converted into credits.
Concession areaAll properties must be in the same concession area as the distributor.The consumer units must be in the same concession area.
OwnershipIt can involve multiple owners through cooperatives or consortia.The units must be under the same CPF or CNPJ.
ContractsIt is necessary to sign contracts with the distributor to regulate sharing.Contracts with the distributor are required to regulate credits.
Local regulationsYou must follow the local rules for energy sharing.You must follow the regulations for using energy credits.

Transferring solar energy to another home is possible and can be simple!

As long as you pay attention to local regulations, you won't have any trouble proceeding with the process of transferring solar energy to another home. Seek the support of a specialized company to answer all your questions and understand what your possibilities are. 

Find out more about clean and affordable energy here at BYD Energy!
